I Can’t Think Straight
Actors: Lisa Ray, Sheetal Sheth, Antonia Frering, Dalip Tahil, Nina Wadia
Movie Details
- Title
- I Can't Think Straight
- Overview
- I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT is a 2007 romance movie about a London-based Jordanian of Palestinian descent, Tala, who is preparing for an elaborate wedding. A turn of events causes her to have an affair and subsequently fall in love with another woman, Leyla, a British Indian.
- Runtime
- 1 h 20 min
- Release Date
- 1 June 2008
- Actors
- Lisa Ray, Sheetal Sheth, Antonia Frering, Dalip Tahil, Nina Wadia, Ernest Ignatius, Siddiqua Akhtar, Amber Rose Revah, Anya Lahiri, Kimberly Jaraj, Sam Vincenti, Rez Kempton, Darwin Shaw, George Tardios, Ishwar Maharaj, Gabrielle Amies, Jessica Allsop
- Certification
- PG-13
- Genres
- Drama, Romance
- IMDb