Leona Calderon
Actors: Pilar Pilapil, Irene Alano, Gabriela Belard, Sarah Borges, Greg Canestrari
Movie Details
- Title
- Leona Calderon
- Overview
- Leona Calderon is a retiring altruistic music lover earning her living cleaning establishments and private homes. Having a fun loving nature she is fancied by her landlord who dreams of dancing with her to her favorite tune. Another admirer is a homeless man who gets endears by her jolly disposition and not by her loose pennies for a can of lager. She befriends an isolated elderly English lady, a migrant worker with no visa and a charitable middle age woman. As a breadwinner she looks forward to her much awaited retirement which is now doomed following a diagnoses of cancer. The island where she comes from where she plans to spend her life with her family becomes just a dream. She now faces a dilemma between losing her hard earned savings to medical expenses or losing the time with her family if she spends her retirement in a country where her treatment is free. Leona's wit and fun nature will make you smile, laugh and cry. What happens to this happy lady in this funny world?
- Runtime
- 1 h 30 min
- Release Date
- 8 May 2013
- Actors
- Pilar Pilapil, Irene Alano, Gabriela Belard, Sarah Borges, Greg Canestrari, Junix Inocian, Jiin Jang, Virginia McKenna, Imelda de los Reyes
- Certification
- PG
- Genres
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- IMDb